GateKeeper™ Proximity Lock and Unlock Range.
The GateKeeper Halberd wireless token utilizes Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and has a variable range depending on each environment. Office environments generally have an average range of 30 feet while open-space areas can go up to 100 feet. Users can adjust their lock and unlock ranges from the GateKeeper Client application on their desktops on the Dashboard.
Obstructions such as desks, walls, and furniture diminishes the Bluetooth signal, just like any other Bluetooth device. For the most optimal experience, keep your Bluetooth GateKeeper key fob in line of sight with your USB proximity sensor(s).
For any additional questions or concerns regarding GateKeeper™ continuous authentication, proximity settings, computer locking, credential management, or compliance, please contact GateKeeper Enterprise support using the Support Ticket form on or email
GateKeeper signal range; bluetooth range of token; key range; range adjustment; enhance range; increase bluetooth range; increase bluetooth power; distance of gatekeeper proximity range; range of sensors; range of presence detection system; length of electronic leash; etether length;
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