Additional Steps for first time On-Premise GateKeeper Hub version license:
If this is your first time purchasing a GateKeeper Enterprise license for on-premise Hub, then you will need to upload your license to your on-premise GateKeeper Hub the first time. To locate your GateKeeper Enterprise license file after purchase, please follow the steps below:
- After purchase, log in to your online GateKeeper account on the Customer Portal.
- Click Licenses.
- Click Download.
Each transaction to purchase a batch of user licenses will come in the form of one "license file". Each license file contains however many user licenses the IT admin purchased in that transaction. Each licensed user is granted the ability to access as many workstations as needed.
Next, let's upload your purchased license to your GateKeeper Hub admin console so we can activate users.
How do I upload a license?
Make sure to have your license purchased and downloaded.
Open the Hub in your browser. Click on the Administration button on the top right of the screen.
On the Administration page, click Licenses from the left side menu.
To upload a purchased license, click + Add New License, and find the license file downloaded from the GateKeeper Customer Portal after purchase. The Upload New License window will appear.
Once you have selected the license, click Upload to finish updating your license. Done!
Going forward, if you need to add more users to your purchased GateKeeper subscription license, log in to your customer portal, go to Licenses, then click Add Users next to that License. Click here for how to add users to the subscription license:
Add users to existing subscription licenses.
In order to purchase more licenses for GateKeeper Enterprise, please contact your GateKeeper account manager. They will facilitate shipping your custom license and hardware needs. Or email to request a renewal of the license or purchase from either the online store or one of our channel partners.
Where to find GateKeeper license?; Where is my GateKeeper license?; Download GateKeeper license.; Find GateKeeper Enterprise proximity license.
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