If you are using GateKeeper (Halberd or Trident) to automatically unlock your PC and would like for the computer to unlock sooner, please follow the directions:
1. Set your UNLOCK LEVEL lower. (GateKeeper Single-user software only)
1) Open your GateKeeper Client application on your PC by pressing the Windows key on your keyboard and start typing "GateKeeper".
2) From the Dashboard, move the blue UNLOCK LEVEL to a lower point. Now the GateKeeper will unlock sooner.
2. Re-position your USB Bluetooth Sensor(s).
Your Bluetooth USB sensor's placement will have the next biggest impact on how quickly it unlocks/locks. Placing your USB sensor higher and in line of sight to your GateKeeper token will allow your computer to unlock quicker as the signal will be received by the dongle quicker.
1) Insert a USB extension cable into your computer.
2) Insert the USB proximity sensor into the USB extension cable.
3) Use wire manager clips to stick the USB sensor on to the side of your monitor.
Make sure your GateKeeper Halberd token (or phone) and USB sensor are in direct line of sight.
If you are wearing your token on a lanyard, make sure your USB sensor is on your monitor facing you:
If you have your GateKeeper token on your waist or in your pants pocket, place the USB sensor under your desk:
For more information on positioning your USB proximity sensor dongles appropriately, please refer to the document "Proper use of your GateKeeper USB Extension Kit" and article "How to set up GateKeeper USB Bluetooth sensors?"
3. Use 2 USB Bluetooth Sensors for better performance.
The more Bluetooth receivers you have, the more coverage your GateKeeper token has, and the better the unlocking and locking reaction times. You want to have both coverage and line of sight by placing each of your two USB sensors in locations that your GateKeeper token will be near while you're working. For example, if you work while both sitting down and standing up, you would want 1 USB sensor on the monitor (for when you're standing) and a second USB sensor under the desk (for when you're sitting). You can use up to five USBs per computer.
For more information, please refer to the article titled "How many Bluetooth USB sensors do I need to use GateKeeper?"
4. Increase the Signal Quality Bias factor through the Hub or on the Client app.
The Signal Quality Bias Factor is an advanced feature for adjusting the unlock and lock distance on the GateKeeper client software. Increasing the bias to signal quality makes the software think the token is closer than it is. Decreasing the bias to signal quality to make the software think the token is further away. This setting can be adjusted in the Client or Hub software.
- How to adjust the signal quality through the GateKeeper Hub.
- How to adjust the signal quality through GateKeeper Client App.
If you have any further questions, IT problems that need to be addressed, or compliance problems that need to be solved, please visit www.gkaccess.com or contact us at info@gkaccess.com or (240) 547-5446 to see how GateKeeper Enterprise can automate digital security for your end-users and admins.
Lock computer quicker; Unlock computer quicker; unlock PC faster; unlock too slow; not locking fast enough; not unlocking fast enough; too slowly; faster response; how to make gatekeeper work faster; instant login; instantly log in; log in faster; fastest log in;
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