Adding a backup token to GateKeeper Proximity.
A GateKeeper user can have multiple hardware or software tokens ("keys") added to their account. How many tokens a user can have is determined by their administrator. Admins can choose to allow multiple tokens per person or register a new token if the user misplaces their issued token. These tokens can be either the Gatekeeper Halberd hard tokens or your phone (GateKeeper Trident app). We highly recommend keeping two keys at any time in case you misplace one - most use their phone as a backup token. To add an extra token to a user profile, please follow the directions below.
To add a backup token to a user from the GateKeeper Hub admin console, see article:
How to add a token to a user through the GateKeeper Hub admin console.
Adding a token through the GateKeeper Enterprise Client application (v3.13.31 and up):
1. Open your GateKeeper Client software.
2. Click the "Tokens" tab from the left menu.
3. Click "Add New Token".
4. Type your token's serial number then click "Validate".
5. Type the PIN and confirm PIN then click "Add Token".
6. Now the token has been added.
7. Close the token management tab.
8. Click "Connect".
9. Type the token's PIN.
10. Now your token has been connected to the GateKeeper Client application.
Adding a token through the GateKeeper Client application (v3.11.35 and below):
1. You must be logged in with your GateKeeper. If you are currently not connected to the computer with your existing GateKeeper token, open the GateKeeper application, then click the Connect Token button on the Dashboard, and type in your PIN.
2. Once connected, click the Tokens tab.
3. This page displays all GateKeeper tokens currently associated to your user profile. Click the button on the lower right corner to add a new token.
*[Important] For GateKeeper Enterprise users, your computer must be connected to the GateKeeper Hub server, and your Hub administrator must allow the GateKeeper Client application to add new tokens for the computers in your group to enable this button.
4. Once the application starts scanning for nearby tokens, place your new token (or phone with Trident app) as close as possible to the GateKeeper Bluetooth proximity USB proximity sensor (receiver).
5. After the token has been found, click on its icon under the Select column.
*[Important] For GateKeeper Enterprise users, if the check mark is grayed out and cannot be clicked, that means the token is already registered to another user on your GateKeeper enterprise network.
6. Create a unique PIN for your new token and then click Save.
Once the token is successfully added, the token will appear on the list of tokens under your user profile.
You can connect the new token to the computer by clicking Connect Token on the dashboard and typing in the new token's PIN.
If you are an individual GateKeeper user for home or sole proprietor use, please make sure you have at least 2 tokens (whether 2 Halberds or 1 Halberd and your phone). This is because if you lose your only GateKeeper, you cannot access your computer. Your extra token is your extra key - backup. BACKUP. BACKUP. BACKUP. When you buy or rent a car, it always comes with 2 keys. Same for homes. Now same for computers.
For any additional questions or concerns regarding tokenized authentication, proximity login, computer locking, credential management, or compliance, please contact GateKeeper Enterprise support using the Support Ticket form on or email
how to add a back up key fob GateKeeper; adding a second key; add a 2nd key fob; add a second key fob; adding a second key fob; add 2 key fobs; how to add more than 1 fob; how to add more than one token to a user; 2 tokens per user; add another token to user; add another token to my profile; multiple tokens to my profile; adding another gatekeeper halberd; 2 halberds;
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