Serial Numbers on GateKeeper Tokens.
Yes, GateKeeper tokens are all serialized for ease of identification, uploading, deployment, and management. All GateKeeper Tokens shipped are provided with a list of the shipped tokens' serial numbers. This allows admins to quickly assign each user to a token before deployment.
GateKeeper Token Serial Number Location.
The serial number will be located either on the back of the token (rechargeable versions) or inside the GateKeeper Halberd token battery cover (battery-powered versions). The user can also see their token's serial number on their GateKeeper Client desktop application. Admins can also see token serial numbers in the GateKeeper Hub admin console.
If you are using your phone as your GateKeeper token, please open the GateKeeper Trident application on your phone. Click the SERIAL NUMBER button in the app, and a popup window will appear displaying the token's serial number.
GateKeeper Token Serial Number Lookup - Admins.
Admins can also look up token serial numbers by the user from their GateKeeper Hub admin console:
1. Open Google Chrome / Mozilla Firefox web browser.
2. Log in to the GateKeeper Hub and navigate to the Users page.
3. Click Tokens under the Actions of the user.
4. Manager user tab will show the user's serial number.
For any additional questions or concerns regarding tokenized authentication, proximity login, computer locking, credential management, or compliance, please contact GateKeeper Enterprise support using the Support Ticket form at or email
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