FAQ - GateKeeper Proximity
Product information on GateKeeper Proximity login for Windows, macOS, websites and desktop software applications. Learn how passwordless access control, proximity login, continuous authentication, and faster 2FA can be achieved through GateKeeper Proximity. Learn more at www.gkaccess.com or reach out to the support team at support@gkaccess.com.
- Self-Help Guides for Troubleshooting GateKeeper.
- Admin Training Video for GateKeeper Enterprise
- End User Training Video (Youtube)
- Where can I find end user training videos for GateKeeper Enterprise introduction and day-to-day policy?
- Where can I find email templates to announce the new token policy to end users?
- How can end-users change their Active Directory passwords in GateKeeper?
Use Cases for GateKeeper Proximity
- On-Premise and Azure Active directory integration feature explained.
- Can GateKeeper unlock non-domain connected or joined computers?
- How to make a strong password.
- Healthcare White Paper - Patients Over Paperwork using GateKeeper
- Login to your EMR WITHOUT typing Passwords.
- Can I use my Microsoft live account and PIN with GateKeeper?
Product Questions
- End User FAQs - GateKeeper Proximity
- Case Study Questionnaire
- What is the 'Monitor computer activity remotely' feature from the GateKeeper Hub?
- Different types of the GateKeeper Authenticator.
- How to start your GateKeeper Enterprise Trial?
- What credentials do I use for kiosk PCs?
- CMMC and GateKeeper Proximity.
- HIPAA compliance with GateKeeper Enterprise proximity authentication.
- NIST 800-171 and 800-53 with GateKeeper proximity.
- CJIS compliance with GateKeeper Enterprise proximity authentication.
- DFARS / NIST 800-53 compliance with GateKeeper Enterprise proximity authentication.
- GDPR compliance with GateKeeper Enterprise proximity authentication.
- How to Access GateKeeper Sales Training Documents.
- Reseller pricing for GateKeeper.
- Become a GateKeeper Partner.
- Is there a webinar for GateKeeper Proximity?
- What countries are GateKeeper tokens sold in?
- Are there U.K. distributors?
Questions about GateKeeper Hardware
- How do I find a token's serial number without the sticker?
- Can I use other Bluetooth devices while using GateKeeper?
- USB-C to USB for Macs using GateKeeper Proximity.
- How to set up GateKeeper Proximity for your computer.
- Does the GateKeeper USB Sensor work with other Bluetooth devices?
- Why do I need a USB Bluetooth sensor with my GateKeeper Halberd?
Questions about GateKeeper Software
- Resources for Trial Evaluation Checklist
- Understanding the Discrepancy in Timestamps between GateKeeper Hub and Printed Reports.
- Does GateKeeper require a certificate authority to use the AD management features?
- Which external servers/URLs should be whitelisted in the firewall for the on-premise GateKeeper Hub server?
- Should I host GateKeeper Hub on Cloud or On-premise?
- GateKeeper Enterprise: Ultimate
Deployment Options and Add-ons
Customer Service
- How to scan the GateKeeper QR code.
- How to submit logs from the GateKeeper Client app.
- Customer Survey for GateKeeper Enterprise
- Support options.
- Where can I find a copy of my order status?
- Reviews of GateKeeper Proximity.
- Resources Guide
- Can Touch to Login and GateKeeper + PIN to unlock the same PC?
- What is Cascading Login?
- How to Reduce Cyber Attack Vectors.
- What is Password Rage?
- What is Password Fatigue?
Information Technology
- How can I automatically clear the cache when I close the Chrome web browser?
- Why does my computer run slow?
- Why Bluetooth 4 devices won't interfere with each other?
- Why Bluetooth 4 devices won't interfere with your Wi-Fi?
- What is Silent Authentication?
- What is Trip Lock for Computers?