What is an Access Lock?
Lock access to a computer upon multiple failed login attempts via GateKeeper. If the user types in the incorrect PIN while using their GateKeeper token or smartcard, or if they type in incorrect OTP codes
while using their email address to log in, the computer will lock after a certain number of failed attempts. This feature is useful for preventing unauthorized access to a computer by locking it after a certain number of failed login attempts.
The number of failed login attempts before the computer locks can be set by the Administrator in the Global Settings of the GateKeeper Hub. The admin can also set a time after which the access lock will be cleared. Finally, the administrator can also clear an access lock by navigating to the profile of the access-locked machine on the Computers page.
How to enable Computer Access Lock Rules.
1. Log in to your GateKeeper Hub, then click 'Groups & Settings' from the left menu.
2. Click 'Global Settings'.
3. Scroll down and find the 'Computer Access Lock Rules' then click 'Configure'.
4. Click the button next to 'Computer Access Lock Threshold' to enable it.
5. Select the number of failed login attempts (Minimum value is 5).
6. Select the duration for how long the computer will be locked (Minimum value is 1 minute).
7. If you want to clear the locked time after reboot, select enabled.
8. After you select values, click 'Update Computer Access Lock Rules'.
9. Click 'Save Changes'.
For any additional questions or concerns regarding proximity settings, computer locking, credential management, or compliance, please contact GateKeeper Enterprise support using the Support Ticket form on https://gkaccess.com/support/ or email support@gkaccess.com.
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