Administrators can now enable a feature to warn GateKeeper users a few days before their on-premises Active Directory password expires. This feature will allow the GateKeeper users to update their AD password before expiry. This feature works along with the Domain Controller settings by checking when an AD account password is going to expire and then prompting the GateKeeper user to change it after they log in to their computer with their GateKeeper. Administrators can choose the number of days before the password expiry to warn the users by setting the value in the Global Settings of the GateKeeper Hub. The warning message will be displayed on the GateKeeper Client application on the computer.
How to set the password reset feature through the GateKeeper Hub
How end users update their AD password before it expires.
The computer must be connected to the GateKeeper Hub.
The computer must be connected to the domain.
GateKeeper Client application must point to the correct Hub address.
How to set the password change feature through the GateKeeper Hub
1. Log into the GateKeeper Hub.
2. Click the Group & Settings tab.
3. Click the Global Settings then go to the "User Settings". Scroll down until you see the setting "ACTIVE DIRECTORY PASSWORDS EXPIRY WARNING (Days)."
4. Enter how many days before the expiration date to warn users to change their passwords, then click "Save Changes" at the bottom side of the tab. Done.
How end users update their AD password before it expires.
1. Unlock your computer using GateKeeper.
2. The 'Update AD Password' notification will pop up on the right side of the screen.
3. It will show that your AD password is expiring soon. Verify the "Username" and "Domain" information is correct.
4. Create your "New Password" and then type again in the "Confirm New Password" field.
5. Click "Update". Done!
For any additional questions or concerns regarding proximity settings, credential management, or compliance, please contact GateKeeper Enterprise support using the Support Ticket form at or email
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