Real-time location tracking of user's tokens can be utilized for auditing, security, tracing, and more.
If you want the GateKeeper Hub to display the real-time events happening on all the workstations such as users connected, USB proximity sensor disconnected, session lock/unlock events, then please follow the directions below:
1. Open Google Chrome/Firefox web browser.
2. Log in to GateKeeper Hub.
3. From the Dashboard page, click Administration in the top right of the page.
4. Under Hub Administration, click the Hub Features.
5. Switch Client audit logs and Server audit logs to "Yes".
For any additional questions or concerns regarding proximity settings, computer locking, credential management, or compliance, please contact GateKeeper Enterprise support using the Support Ticket form on or email
GateKeeper RTLS; GK RTLS; real time location system; real-time location tracking; workstation tracking; real-time location of user's key fobs; find my key fob; where is my key fob; locate my key fob; find my token; find my GateKeeper token key fob; find my Halberd token; find my key; find my proximity key fob; find all key fobs; where are user's key fobs located?; what computers are being used?; which computers are active?; who is logged on?; which users are logged on to which workstations?; location tracking; where are my users; where are all my users?; How to enable real-time event tracking on workstations.;
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