When installing the GateKeeper Password Manager for Mozilla Firefox, if you see the error in the image below, please follow the directions below to fix this issue.
Antivirus or other security software can cause trouble when installing Firefox extensions automatically. If you’re having trouble installing the GateKeeper Password Manager extension in Firefox, follow these steps to install the extension manually:
- Open a different browser such as Chrome, Opera, or Microsoft Edge.
- Go to GateKeeper Hub and download the latest version of GateKeeper Password Manager from Downloads page. It will download gatekeeper_password_manager.xpi file to your computer.
Open Firefox and drag the .xpi file to the Firefox window, then click Add.
If you are still experiencing the same issue, please contact our support team at support@gkaccess.com.
GateKeeper Password Manager; How to install GateKeeper Password Manager in Firefox; Fix the add-on could not be downloaded because of connection faiure issue; error installing the GateKeeper Firefox extension;
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