There are 3 types of logs that you can view: Client Audit logs, Server Audit logs, and Alerts Audit logs.
1. Client Audit: Displays the GateKeeper Enterprise Client application activity information from the users in the Hub. What users logged into which machines and when. Which machines locked and when. The Client Logs page shows the audit logs collected from every GateKeeper enabled computer. These logs provide information regarding when computers were locked and unlocked using GateKeeper, which websites were visited by GateKeeper users, failed logins, and other events. These logs can be filtered in various ways, and can also be exported to a CSV file for further analysis.
2. Server Audit: Displays activity information from the user's interaction with the GateKeeper Hub server. Useful for audit purposes and investigating incidents. The Server Logs page shows the logs regarding activities done on the GateKeeper Hub website. Every action that a Hub administrator does is logged here. You can see information regarding which users were added, which tokens were updated, credentials changed, and other data in these logs. These logs can also be exported to CSV files for further analysis.
3. Alert Logs: Displays the delivery status of messages pertaining to GateKeeper events, whether these messages have been "Delivered" or "Not Delivered".
The Alert Logs page shows the logs regarding any alerts that were generated by GateKeeper Hub. Every occurrence of an Alert set up by the Hub Administrator will be logged here. You can filter these logs by alerts, computers, users, etc. and can also export them to CSV files for further analysis.
Alerts that admins can receive from Client computers are as follows:
- Admin Login
- Back from Conference Room
- Back from Lunch
- Back from Meeting
- Client Software Update Failed
- Client Software Update Started
- Clock In
- Clock Out
- Console Connect
- Console Disconnect
- Credential Deleted
- Credential Registered
- Credential Updated
- GateKeeper Lock
- GateKeeper Service Started
- GateKeeper Service Stopped
- GateKeeper Unlock
- In Conference Room
- Login Failed
- Non-GateKeeper Lock
- Non-GateKeeper Unlock
- Out for Lunch
- Out for Meeting
- Remote Connect
- Remote Disconnect
- Session Locked
- Session Logoff
- Session Logon
- Session Unlocked
- Token Deleted
- Token PIN has been Reset
- Token Registered
- Update Successful
- User Connected
- User Disconnected
- User Registered
- Web Credential Used
For any additional questions or concerns regarding proximity settings, computer locking, credential management, or compliance, please contact GateKeeper Enterprise support using the Support Ticket form on or email
GateKeeper logs explained.; Logs in GateKeeper explained.; What is a log in GateKeeper?; GateKeeper log explained.; What are logs for in GateKeeper?; Client logs and server logs explained.; Log management with GateKeeper; session logs, windows session logs, session history logs, autocollect logs for auditing; log cateogires; tracking different events;
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