IIS Setup in GateKeeper Hub Manager
For on-premise GateKeeper Hub version only. The IIS setup page allows you to choose different settings for the GateKeeper Hub website running in Internet Information Services (IIS). These include the ability to start, stop, or restart the Hub website, port bindings, application pool settings, and IIS logs.
GateKeeper Hub Website
GateKeeper Hub runs as a website using Internet Information Services (IIS). The website is accessible from all computers on the local network. Every GateKeeper Client application connects to this website to synchronize users, credentials, tokens, and audit logs. The Hub website uses an SQL database for storing all data. The website is automatically set up in IIS after the installation process and must not be modified.
Click Settings () to open the sidebar where you can start, stop or restart the GateKeeper Hub website in IIS.
Port Bindings
The GateKeeper Hub website runs on specific ports in IIS. These ports can be set using the IIS Port Bindings setting. By default, the website runs on port 3015 using the HTTPS protocol. A self-signed certificate is automatically generated and added to IIS to enable secure data communication using the HTTPS protocol. Other ports can be added to run the website on, and other SSL certificates can be added to the website if required.
The Port Bindings table shows the ports currently bound to the GateKeeper Hub website. If the website is running on HTTPS, then you can view details of the SSL certificate from the table as well. The website can be browsed by clicking on the Browse Website button in the Port Bindings table.
Click Settings () to open a sidebar where new port bindings can be set up. Choose the transport method (HTTP or HTTPS) and a port number to associate with the website. You can also optionally choose a hostname for the website. If you choose a hostname, then you will have to edit the DNS for your network to make sure that the hostname is properly pointed to this computer. If you choose the HTTPS protocol, then you must also choose an SSL certificate to associate with the GateKeeper Hub website. All available certificates can be seen in the drop-down menu in the sidebar.
Application Pool
The Application Pool manages the location of the files used in running the GateKeeper Hub website in IIS. These files are installed during the Hub installation process and the identity of the application pool is automatically created according to appropriate rules in IIS. The Application Pool can be further configured to optimize the website performance on your network based on the capacity of the computer running the website. Click Settings to expand buttons for setting up recycling options for the application pool, and to restart the application pool.
Application Pool Recycling
IIS can be configured to periodically recycle the memory used by the Application Pool. This recycling allows for stale data to be cleared from the computer's memory and can optimize the performance of the website. This is especially important if there is a significant amount of network traffic on the GateKeeper Hub website - for example, when many computers are running the GateKeeper Client application.
The recycling rules can be set based on number of requests being made to the website, on a periodic time basis, or based on amount of memory used by the website.
Click Save Changes once you have chosen your recycling options.
IIS Logging
IIS can collect logs related to requests made to the GateKeeper Hub website from all the computers on your network. These logs are useful in diagnosing errors in connectivity, database, and access to the GateKeeper Hub website. However, if there are a large number of computers connected to the GateKeeper Hub website, then these IIS logs can grow very quickly in size. Enable IIS logging if you experience any issues while accessing the GateKeeper Hub website. Please share these logs with the GateKeeper technical support team for troubleshooting if required.
Clicking Settings () will open a sidebar to reveal options to enable or disable IIS logging.
Monitoring Service
GateKeeper Hub Monitoring service keeps track of the status of the GateKeeper Hub website in IIS. It will automatically turn on the website if it is stopped.
Clicking Settings () will open a sidebar to GateKeeper Hub Monitoring Service in IIS.
For any additional questions or concerns regarding proximity login, computer locking, credential management, or compliance, please contact GateKeeper Enterprise support using the Support Ticket form at https://gkaccess.com/support/ or email support@gkaccess.com.
GK IIS Set up; Internet Information Services GateKeeper; GateKeeper Internet Information Server; IIS Setup in GK Hub Manager.; GateKeeper IIS; Hub IIS; admin IIS; admin console IIS; on-premise hub admin console;
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