How to add multiple users using CSV file.
1. Log in to your GateKeeper Hub.
2. Click the "Users" tab from the left menu.
3. Click "+ Add New Users".
4. Click "Add from file".
5. Click "Download CSV template".
6. Open the "Bulk_User_Upload_Template".
7. Sections are pre-filled, clear all the inputs then fill out all the sections.
Notes for allowing GateKeeper to prepare your bulk upload sheet and assign users tokens.
Please fill out all the following information:
- Full name (First and Last Names) of all users needing a GateKeeper token
- Department name. Enter the same name in the "Department" column as the desired Group for each user. This streamlines onboarding by allowing you to easily add multiple users to the same Group later from the "Add users to the Group" tab, filtering by the specified Department.
You can put "General" if there isn't any specific department. (Please do not empty this column).
- Email address. If users do not have an email address, please create one using the email format. A working email address is not required.
The user's phone number, employee ID, and password columns can be empty.
For AD or Azure AD users, please type your company’s domain name. To find your domain name open a Command Prompt, typing “whoami” all one word, and then pressing Enter. The prompt will return the domain name and login username in the following format: domain name/username
How to find my username and domain on my computer.
If your users use Windows Local accounts or Kiosk Mode exclusively, then the domain name and username are not required.
- Serial Number. For Halberd, Android, and iPhone tokens only.
Halberd - Format: GK17-XXXXX
Android - Numbers and Letters mix and match from your phone app.
iPhone - Numbers and Letters mix and match from your phone app.
NFC cards cannot be added using a bulk upload form.
Please click the link below to register the NFC/RFID card to the user.
How to register the NFC/RFID card for an existing GateKeeper user?
- PIN. This will be a temporary PIN; we recommend using the last 5 numbers of the Token's serial number for a faster onboarding process. Users will create their own PINs during the first setup.
- Reset PIN. Type Yes.
At last, save the file then upload it to the GateKeeper Hub.
If the user information already exists, you can't add it to the Hub. Please verify the correct user's Full name and email address.
For any additional questions or concerns regarding proximity settings, computer locking, credential management, or compliance, please contact GateKeeper Enterprise support using the Support Ticket form at or email
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