If you have a GateKeeper token for work, you can use the same token for your personal laptop or desktop at home. The same token can be used for work and personal computers/websites.
Just download the GateKeeper software for personal use from the website and register your token. Then, register your work token on your personal computer and you're done. There are no passwords stored on the key fob, so there is no limit, and you can use the token to log into as many computers and website accounts as you'd like. Passwords are encrypted with AES 256 encryption.
For more information on changing group settings for computers in GateKeeper, please visit www.gkaccess.com or reach out to support@gkaccess.com.
gatekeeper at home; home use; using GateKeeper from home; personal use of GateKeeper; can I use the same token for personal use?; same token for personal laptop; can I take my token home?; does the token for for multiple computers?;
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