SQL Server Setup (for on-premise Hub only)
Setting up SQL for GateKeeper Hub on-premise. Information, troubleshooting, how-tos, and more on GateKeeper Hub on-premise version only. Product questions answered on GateKeeper Proximity login for Windows, macOS, websites and desktop software applications. Information on how proximity locking and continuous authentication works on GateKeeper. Learn how passwordless access control, proximity login, continuous authentication, and faster 2FA can be achieved through GateKeeper Proximity. Learn more at www.gkaccess.com or reach out to the support team at support@gkaccess.com.
- Adding your License to the GateKeeper Hub.
- Does GateKeeper require SQL server?
- What versions of SQL Express is supported by GateKeeper Enterprise?
- How to find the IP address of the computer that has the GateKeeper server installed.
- How to check if GateKeeper Hub admin console is installed on my computer.
- How to download and install SQL Server Express.
- Unable to connect to the SQL Server from GateKeeper.
- Unable to connect to the SQL Server.
- What does SQL Express cost?