User Alerts
User Alert comprises computers, users, and events that are sent from the client application. These types of notifications are triggered by user and computer Events. User Alerts are configured by your team.
Add Alert
To add your own custom alerts, click Add Alert.
Enter the Name and Description for your Alert. Then click Next to proceed.
Then you can select the events to assign to the Alert. Click Next.
Below is a list of all the “Events” options available. Alerts can be received through email, SMS, and desktop notifications.
- Admin Login
- Back from Conference Room
- Back from Lunch
- Back from Meeting
- Client Software Update Failed
- Client Software Update Started
- Clock In
- Clock Out
- Console Connect
- Console Disconnect
- Credential Deleted
- Credential Registered
- Credential Updated
- GateKeeper Lock
- GateKeeper Service Started
- GateKeeper Service Stopped
- GateKeeper Unlock
- In Conference Room
- Login Failed
- Non-GateKeeper Lock
- Non-GateKeeper Unlock
- Out for Lunch
- Out for Meeting
- Remote Connect
- Remote Disconnect
- Session Locked
- Session Logoff
- Session Logon
- Session Unlocked
- Token Deleted
- Token PIN has been Reset
- Token Registered
- Update Successful
- User Connected
- User Disconnected
- User Registered
- Web Credential Used
Then you can assign users to be a part of the Alerts. Click Next.
Then you can select the Delivery Method, Delivery Schedule, and Alert recipients. Click Next.
If you hover over the What’s this? option, it will explain what is meant by Average Alerts Per Day.
To view what events you have selected to be alerted on, click Check Selected Events.
If everything looks correct, click Save to add your new Alert to the Hub.
Manage Alerts
If you need to make any changes to an Alert, hover over the alert and click Manage.
This will bring up the “Manage Alert: [Alert’s name]” side panel window that opens up to the Profile tab. Here, you can change the description of the alert. Click Save Profile.
On the Delivery tab you can change the delivery method, delivery schedule, and Alert recipients.
On the Events tab, you can change the selected Events for the Alert. Click Save.
On the Computers tab, you can change which computers to receive alerts on. Click Save.
On Users tab, you can change which users to receive alerts on. Click Save.
For any additional questions or concerns regarding proximity settings, computer locking, credential management, or compliance, please contact GateKeeper Enterprise support using the Support Ticket form at or email
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