The following instructions will detail how to add a new user to the GateKeeper Software Update System Alert. Only Hub admins can receive Alerts. Click here for a walkthrough of creating a Hub admin.
1. Using your Hub admin credentials, log into your GateKeeper Hub account.
2. On the left-hand side, click Alerts, then click Manage Alerts.
3. Next, click the System Alerts tab.
4. Click the GateKeeper Software Update notification.
5. On the side-panel, click the Delivery tab in the top left-hand corner.
6. Under Select Alert Recipients, check the box next to the Hub admin who should receive the software update notifications.
7. At the bottom of the side-panel, click Save.
8. Close the side-panel by clicking the X in the upper right-hand corner. Done!
For any additional questions or concerns regarding proximity settings, computer locking, credential management, or compliance, please contact GateKeeper Enterprise support using the Support Ticket form on or email
GateKeeper System Alerts; adding a user to alerts; GateKeeper Software Update Alerts.
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