Each GateKeeper key fob requires a PIN (Personal Identification Number). As the IT admin, you can enforce PIN length and complexity minimums. Longer more complex PINs are essential for security and risk mitigation.
1. Open Google Chrome/Firefox web browser.
2. Log in to the GateKeeper Hub.
3. Navigate to the Group Settings page.
4. Click Global Settings.
5. At the bottom, next to "PIN Complexity", click "Configure".
6. Now you can edit and enforce your global PIN Complexity requirements.
7. Click "Save PIN Rules". Done.
If you have any further questions on proximity security into computers, please visit www.gkaccess.com or contact us at support@gkaccess.com.
PIN strength; Minimum PIN; PIN requirements; strong PIN; set stronger PIN; set PIN to strongest mode; strongest security settings; strogner security settings; how to enforce stronger passwords; how to enforce 2FA; minimum password length requirements; password policies; password policy enforcement;
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