Update Active Directory Accounts in GateKeeper Enterprise.
IT admins can change each user's Active Directory (AD) passwords and accounts directly from the GateKeeper Hub to save a tremendous amount of time and effort. Admins can also create new AD accounts from here.
- Log in to your GateKeeper Hub.
- Click AD Management from the left menu.
- Hover over a username and click "Update Account" or "Change Password" under the Actions column on the right side.
Update Account:
Admins can update Active Directory accounts - enable/disable and account expiration date.
Change AD Password:
Admins can update/reset Active Directory passwords, force users to change password at next logon, prevent user from changing password, generate a secure password, and set password expiration to never expire.
- View information via Username, Status, Password Set, Assigned To, and Actions.
- Check if the status is Active or Inactive for the users account.
- Check when the password was last set.
- Check how many user and computers are assigned to that account.
The following functions can be performed via the Actions column. There are two options available for a user under the Actions column: Update Account and Change Password.
Click the Update Account button and the following options will be available for users.
- User will be able to the Username.
- User will be able to see the current Domain.
- User will be able to see the Last Logon for the user.
- User will be able to see the Total Logons for the user.
- Checkbox for Unlock Account.
- Checkbox for Account is disabled.
- Account expiry date with a calendar drop down option and Never checkbox.
- Unlock account option will be available for user whenever the account has been locked. Checking the box will unlock the users account.
- User can check the Account is disabled option and the mentioned users account will be disabled. The status under the Status column will change to ‘Inactive’. User can deselect the option and the status will change back to.
- Account expiry date can be set from the calendar drop down option and it will terminate the users account. User can also check on the Never box and it will grey out the calendar box.
When the user clicks on Change Password option, the following options will appear.
- User can create a new password of their own choosing or utilize the Generate Secure Password The drop down menu will show the user other password options such as Length of password characters, which characters to include Numbers, Symbols, Uppercase and which Characters to exclude.
- User can also utilize other options such as,
- User must change password at next logon, where the user will have the ability to change their password when they login again.
- User cannot change password, where the user will not be able change their password.
- Password never expires, where the password will never expire.
For any additional questions or concerns regarding proximity settings, computer locking, credential management, or compliance, please contact GateKeeper Enterprise support using the Support Ticket form on https://gkaccess.com/support/ or email support@gkaccess.com.
GateKeeper AD; GateKeeper active directory; update ad accounts; updating active directory username; updating active directory passwords; updating ad usernames; updating ad password; syncing AD password updates; AD password update; ad passphrase update; update AD password; Integration in AD; Integration with AD; Integration into AD; Integration in Active Directory; Integration with Active Directory; Update AD account explained; update AD account gatekeeper hub;
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