Situation: You typed your PIN for your GateKeeper key and the computer did not log in.
1. Check if you are an authorized user:
- Have you been given permissions to access the computer?
- Please contact your GateKeeper Hub administrator to verify that you are part of the group with this computer.
2. Check to make sure your GateKeeper token or Trident app:
- is turned 'ON' and has a good battery. Press and hold the action button on the Halberd token to make sure the battery is good. You will hear a beep and the LED will light up if the battery is good.
- is in range and in direct line-of-sight with the USB sensor.
- If you are using the Trident app on your phone, click on the app's icon to turn it on in the foreground, and make sure your phone's Bluetooth is turned on.
- Due to how the Android and iOS operating systems decide to manage phone power, they will arbitrary turn off apps - including Trident. Whenever this happens, simply click the Trident icon to open it and the app will resume. You may type your PIN on the computer lock screen to login.
3. Please ensure that your PIN is typed correctly.
- Please make sure your Num Lock is turned on and Caps Lock is turned off.
- If you have forgotten the PIN, please contact your GateKeeper Hub administrator to reset it.
4. Please make sure the GateKeeper USB sensor is attached to the computer.
- Unplug and re-insert the USB sensor and try your PIN again.
Situation: When using 'Remember Previous Login' or 'Automatic Login', your computer does unlock eventually but too slow.
Please change the unlock level according to your needs and environment. Remember to carry the GateKeeper token outside of your pockets, and attach the USB sensor to the front of the computer or taped to the monitor for optimal performance. It is also recommended to use more than 1 USB sensor to maximize performance.
Additionally, if you go to the Settings tab on the left, you have more options to adjust the unlocking response time.
The Signal Quality Bias Factor is an advanced feature for adjusting the unlock and lock distance on the GateKeeper client software. Add a bias to signal quality to prevent computers from locking while you are working. This setting can be adjusted in the Client or Hub software.
A positive bias improves signal quality, while a negative bias reduces it. If the signal quality is too low, add a positive bias. If it is too high, add a negative bias.
If you are using an Android as your key fob and your computer is not unlocking, you must place your phone closer to your computer. The Bluetooth chip in your phone is at the top of your phone so it would help if the top of your phone was pointed towards your computer.
For any additional questions or concerns regarding proximity settings, computer locking, credential management, or compliance, please contact GateKeeper Enterprise support using the Support Ticket form on or email
Gatekeeper not unlocking; can't get into my computer; computer not unlocking; problem getting into computer; not logging in; can't login; can't log in; cannot log in;
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