Change Proximity Range Setting from the Client Computer
GateKeeper locks or unlocks the computer based on the signal strength and motion data sent by the tokens (Halberd or Trident app). There are two approaches to getting GateKeeper to unlock the computer only when the token is extremely close: Software configuration updates and GateKeeper USB Sensor placement.
If you are an end-user on a Client computer, you can adjust your unlock range settings from the desktop application.
1. Open your GateKeeper Client application on your PC by pressing the Windows key on your keyboard and typing "GateKeeper".
2. Move the Unlock Above This Level slider to 85. Done! This will require the token to be closer to the USB proximity sensor before unlocking the computer.
If the computer still unlocks too soon, continue reading below to adjust the Signal Quality Bias Factor.
Change the Signal Quality Bias Factor
The Signal Quality Bias Factor is an advanced feature for adjusting the unlock and lock distance on the GateKeeper client software. If the computer unlocks too soon, follow the instructions to add a negative bias.
1. Open your GateKeeper Client application on your PC by pressing the Windows key on your keyboard and start typing "GateKeeper".
2. In the bottom left-hand corner of the GateKeeper Client dashboard, click the Settings tab.
3. Under Lock Settings, scroll down to Signal Quality Bias Factor expand the dropdown menu.
4. From the dropdown menu, select Signal -10. Done!
If the computer still unlocks too soon, continue reading and learn how to adjust the USB proximity sensor manually.
GateKeeper USB Proximity Sensor placement
Manually adjusting the signal strength through USB placement
If you're experiencing extremely high signal strength between the GateKeeper software and token, the final step is moving the USB sensor to a new position to reduce the signal quality.
Option 1:
Using the image below as a reference, move the USB proximity sensor further underneath the desk. This will artificially lower the signal strength by using the desk to block a portion of the signal. Doing this will artificially reduce the signal strength. However, the computer will take longer to unlock and lock the computer.
Option 2:
Try using a different USB port that obstructs the line of sight between the GateKeeper token and USB sensor. Doing this will artificially reduce the signal strength. However, the computer will take longer to unlock and lock the computer.
If the computer is still unlocking too soon, it is recommended you change the Unlock Method to either GateKeeper + PIN, Touch Login, or Press Enter Key to Login. These unlock methods will guarantee that the computer will only unlock when you want.
Click here to view detailed explanations of the unlock methods.
For any additional questions or concerns regarding proximity settings, computer locking, credential management, or compliance, please contact GateKeeper Enterprise support using the Support Ticket form on or email
"Adjust range"; "Change GateKeeper range"; "Change distance to lock/unlock"; adjusting range; range adjustment; GateKeeper adjustment; changing range levels; level range edit; edit range; shorten range; lengthen range; longer range; shorter range; token range; lock range; unlock range; locking range; unlocking range; new lock level; What to do if my computer does not unlock to my expectation.; What if computers are close by each other?; computers 2 feet apart; close apart; computers are too close to each other; PCs close to each other; workstations close to each other;
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