Token and USB Setup for Best Performance.
Make sure your GateKeeper Halberd token (or phone) and USB sensor are in direct line of sight and closest to where you will be while you're working on your computer.
If you are wearing your token on a lanyard, make sure your USB sensor is on your monitor facing you:
If you have your GateKeeper token on your waist or in your pants pocket, place the USB sensor under your desk facing you, closest to where the token will be while you're working:
Make sure objects are not blocking the token and the USB sensor. Even if the token and USB sensor are very close, if there is a desk or something in between, the signal will not be picked up easily and may result in abnormal locking and unlocking results. You can use up to five USBs per computer.
For any additional questions or concerns regarding proximity settings, computer locking, credential management, or compliance, please contact GateKeeper Enterprise support using the Support Ticket form on or email
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