Password Rage explained.
Password rage is what happens after a person has too much password stress/password fatigue. The user will become stress and shout, swear, and/or cry in response to password difficulties. The amount of stress that can potentially accumulate from constant password problems can be very high since these passwords are the key to your digital life (bank, credit, communications, etc.).
Common reasons for password rage:
- Getting locked out of a sensitive website account or computer that someone needs to access for confidential information (bank account information, social security, tax returns, etc.)
- Forgotten password incidents that lead to downtime
- Mistyping passwords
- Mixing passwords up because of reused passwords
- Password resets that require calling helpdesk calls
- Being forced to remember too many complex passwords
- Having to remember a password that you hardly ever use
- Retyping usernames and passwords repeatedly, every day
- Being forced to change passwords so often
- Tedious compliance requirements in password policy
- Being held responsible for your organization's sensitive confidential data
Avoid password rage by utilizing a password manager to automate passwords for users and admins.
For any additional questions or concerns regarding GateKeeperâ„¢ proximity login, continuous 2FA, computer locking, credential management, or compliance, please contact GateKeeper Enterprise support using the Support Ticket form on or email
Password rage syndrome; password stress; stress from password rage; angry about passwords; stress of passwords; too many passwords; why are passwords such a pain?;
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