End User Welcome Kit - GateKeeper Enterprise.
After setting up the GateKeeper Hub admin console and adding users, the admin will distribute a GateKeeper token key fob and USB sensor to each user.
You will receive:
- 1x GateKeeper Halberd Hardware Token
- 1x USB Proximity Sensor
- 1x USB-C Charging Cable
- a temporary activation PIN for your token
- Which login option the users will login with going forward
1. Plug in the USB sensor into your computer's USB port. Use a USB extension cord to get the USB into a position where it will be in direct line of sight with your token.
2. Insert the battery into the token, you should hear a beep.
3. Your admin will have installed the GateKeeper Client software onto your computer and provided you with a temporary PIN for your token. Type your temporary PIN on the computer login screen.
4. If prompted to, next, please type your Windows password and retype to confirm.
5. If prompted, next, select your unique PIN for your token, just like you would for your debit card.
6. If prompted, next set up your backup OTP login, for when you don't have your token with you, by typing in your username's email and scanning the QR Code with Google Authenticator.
7. Finally, follow the steps in Automatic Range Setup Utility to calibrate your token's lock and unlock range with your workstation. Done! Make sure to keep your token with you at all times.
If you would like to make the computer lock closer or farther, unlock sooner or later, see the directions in the links below to adjust your range.
How to make the computer unlock at long range.
How to make the computer unlock at short range.
How to make the computer lock at long range.
How to make the computer lock at short range.
8. Note that your GateKeeper Password Manager extension for your web browser was installed alongside the GateKeeper Client desktop application. However, the user must enable this extension in their web browser the first time they use it.
Lastly, when you hear the token begin beeping, it means the battery is low. Please replace the battery.
End users will see the GateKeeper icon on the login screen going forward. GateKeeper now automate cyber-safe behavior for end users at organizations.
The GateKeeper Client application installed on each user's computer will look like this:
Users can change any lock/unlock settings, add or remove passwords, and adjust lock/unlock range.
For any additional questions or concerns regarding proximity settings, computer locking, credential management, or compliance, please contact GateKeeper Enterprise support using the Support Ticket form on https://gkaccess.com/support/ or email support@gkaccess.com.
GateKeeper software for end users; does the end user have to interact with the software?;l for enduser; end user onboarding; user provisioning; first time using GateKeeper token; first token login; first login event;
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